Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Download Corel AfterShot Professional

Corel AfterShot Pro is a fast workflow image, flexible solution combining powerful image management, non-destructive adjustments and complete advanced processing RAW images.
Corel AfterShot Professional Full
Corel AfterShot Professional Full
Organize your photos in catalogs (catalog), or directory. Find images quickly with extensive Metadata tools that allows you to search by camera settings, keywords, tags and more. Experience and alter images freely with non-destructive adjustment tools and apply enhancements precisely with selective editing. Easily output for albums, web sites or customer review. With RAW support, powerful batch processing and incredible speed, AfterShot Pro is the fast way to. Uninstall professional image.
-The ability of RAW
Add most of the information and data in your RAW images with ultra-fast RAW processing and color images are extremely accurate.
-Flexible Image Management
Create digital photography work, powerful image management, organization, flexible options and powerful search tools.
- Non-destructive adjustment
Correct and enhance photos with a variety of non-destructive editing tools that still ensure your originals are always protected.
-Production of ultra-fast output
Fast output for the album, or customer review sites using the batch output options and a variety of standard templates and custom.

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