Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Video2Webcam Free Download

Video2Webcam is a unique and comprehensive tool for streaming your favorite videos as webcam video. Video2Webcam enables you to have internet video conversations, even without a webcam. The program is very compact in size but still has very powerful features. It is useful for showing your favorites videos to your friends during video chat conversations, without using other applications or services. Furthermore, Video2Webcam allows users to change the video source from webcam to your favorite video to stream.

Using the cool program, you can either share your home-made video clips easily with your friends, and don't even need a webcam to enjoy this feature. Besides, the tool allows you to play a variety of videos on messengers and switch between real & virtual webcams easily & quickly. This program supports WMV, RM, RMVB, RAM, MPG, MPEG, MP4, FLV, ASF, AVI, and many other formats for video streaming.
Size: 2.91MB
Date Added: Dec 26, 2012
License: Trial Version
Languages: English
  • Publisher:
  • CoolwareMax
  • Website:
  • http://www.coolwaremax.com
  • OS:
  • Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista
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